The Great Adventure

~ just one blink and its changed ~

Friday, February 29, 2008

He turns my endurance into joy...

Probably Solomon didn't pen these exact words, but after Tuesday's post... I just thought that I would give public recognition to the amazing way that God works.

This week has been an emotional roller coaster for many that I know. But, as I have walked through it, I have been confounded by the realization that ("duh!" moment warning!) when I truly walk through these things with God, He really does turn our sorrow, our frustration into amazing contentment and ultimately, joy. It's a "duh!" moment only because I know this in my heart - and head but sometimes the reality of it just needs to reconnect somewhere in the middle.

I have had some great moments to share with my son - about having a sad heart when he goes to bed, but Jesus will make it happy in the morning - because He promises to! I've had a few moments with my daughters who are trying to figure out how to not be at home and not need to leave angry so that they can be away. I've had a few moments to help my youngest figure out how to share... ok so that's fun... not!

Rambling - it's snowing here... and I have a basement to get back to sorting through... and some sort of funky hors' duerves to come up with for a fun evening of "celebrating" Leap Day!


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