Probably Solomon didn't pen these exact words, but after Tuesday's post... I just thought that I would give public recognition to the amazing way that God works.
This week has been an emotional roller coaster for many that I know. But, as I have walked through it, I have been confounded by the realization that ("duh!" moment warning!) when I truly walk through these things with God, He really does turn our sorrow, our frustration into amazing contentment and ultimately, joy. It's a "duh!" moment only because I know this in my heart - and head but sometimes the reality of it just needs to reconnect somewhere in the middle.
I have had some great moments to share with my son - about having a sad heart when he goes to bed, but Jesus will make it happy in the morning - because He promises to! I've had a few moments with my daughters who are trying to figure out how to not be at home and not need to leave angry so that they can be away. I've had a few moments to help my youngest figure out how to share... ok so that's fun... not!
Rambling - it's snowing here... and I have a basement to get back to sorting through... and some sort of funky hors' duerves to come up with for a fun evening of "celebrating" Leap Day!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Update: Enduring Life
It's me... and aside from the daily work and ins and outs of life as the mom of 3 beautiful children... life is pretty hard right now. Not sure if it's pms or if it's for real... just frustrating and hard to live by.
Some know that my Mr. finishes up with his course work in May... this as always brings on thoughts of new opportunities and locations. Normally not too scary... but this time around it's different - exciting and yet at the same time - somewhat overwhelming. Please pray with us during the next couple of months. We want to be following the right footsteps and following the One that we have said that we would follow. While the following part is not scary... and the idea that He will lead us is not scary... the parts that are - are the inbetween here and there parts.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Our family...
These past few weeks have been some of my most "delicious" weeks for being a mom and a wife of the husband and children that I dearly love. I love watching my family become more of who God created them to be. The kids are becoming more able to do more on their own. For instance, tonight Sophie went to bed because she chose (really it was her decision!) to NOT eat her dinner - instead of having dessert with the rest of us... Olivia told on herself (from her classroom...) and has begun tallying times when she tattles... and Simeon has settled into the reality of being almost 4 (personally a favorite age) - he's pretty agreeable and WANTS to help out. Today we washed the diningroom walls and cupboards down! I nearly had a stroke when he Asked if he could help me clean! Steve is in the mode of becoming more of the Man God designed him as he stretches his dreams into uncharted territories. We'll see where they take us.
In all this, I'm just not sure where God has placed me... what am I becoming - besides a couped up woman who is longing for warmth, sunshine and warmer breezes that aren't followed by arctic blasts. :-) I'm not sad about this stage in my life where I am watching others "do more... go more... be more" but secretly I wish that I could stick to my decisions about being more healthy... keep away from me the Peanut M&M's they are NOT safe in my presense.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
What do you think Daddy's 38th birthday cake should look like?
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